Profile of the Journal

Beginning with the 6th issue of 2020, this journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Journal (Aims & Scope)

Bimonthly Igiene e Sanità Pubblica (Journal of Hygiene and Public Health) is the peer- reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, reviews, short communications, letters to the editor and book reviews.
Journal is devoted to the studies concerning scientific problems of public health and other related areas, Patient Safety, Food and Water Safety, Environmental hygiene, toxicology and risk assessment, Health promotion and disease prevention, Public health governance, Risk and Quality management, Applied epidemiology, Engineering and Architecture for Public Health, Evaluation of public health programmes or interventions.

FULL TITLE: Igiene e Sanità Pubblica (Hygiene and Public Health)


ISSN: 0019-1639
Hygiene and Public Health 1989-ongoing Indexed on: Index Medicus, MedLine PubMed 1989-ongoing;


Editor in Chief

Prof. Augusto Panà