The Management of the Healthcare Professions in the Prevention Area: Organizational Set-up and Perspectives for Improvement in the Current Italian Panorama

Igiene e Sanità Pubblica 2024; 93 (6)204-213

Vincenzo Marcotrigiano1, Piergiorgio Tagliapietra2, Giangiacomo Marchesan3, Flavio Del Bianco4, Maria Luisa Franchina5, Erica Artosi6, Greta Siviero7, Mirko Mazzurana8, Roberto Rizzi9, Domenico Pistillo10, Giuseppe Acquaviva11, Stefano Miceli12, Vigilio Righes1, Domenico Spinazzola13, Antonio Ferro8, Luca Gino Sbrogiò5, Christian Napoli14, Sandro Cinquetti1

1 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority “ULSS 1 Dolomiti”, Belluno, Italy
2 Prevention and Protection Service, Local Health Authority Cremona, Cremona, Italy
3 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority “ULSS 4 Veneto Orientale”, 30027 San Donà di Piave, Italy
4 Prevention Technical Platform, “AS FO” Western Friuli Health Authority, Pordenone, Italy
5 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority “ULSS 6 Euganea”, Padua, Italy
6 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority “ULSS 9 Scaligera”, Verona, Italy
7 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority “ULSS 5 Polesana”, Rovigo, Italy
8 Provincial Authority for Health Services, “APSS Autonomous Province of Trento”, Trento, Italy
9 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority Taranto, Taranto, Italy
10 Prevention Department, Local Health Authority Bari, Bari, Italy
11 Prevention and Protection Service, Local Health Authority Ascoli Piceno, Ascoli Piceno, Italy
12 Sanitary Direction, “ASU FC” Friuli Centrale University Health Authority, Udine, Italy
13 Social-Health District, Local Health Authority BT, Barletta-Andria-Trani, Barletta, Italy
14 Department of Medical Surgical Sciences and Translational Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

The structure of the management of healthcare professions in the prevention area currently appears not uniform at Italian national level, both in terms of the allocation of these professionals and concerning the role covered in the Local Health Authorities. During training events dealing with this topic, organized by the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health – S.It.I., healthcare workers (HCWs) placed in the management area were evaluated through a survey, examining their level of involvement in the organization, and proposing ideas for improvement regarding the professional placement both in staff and in line. The thoughts on the new hypothetical organizational models adoptable must continue to include the valorization and career development of HCWs, also to allow to tenaciously challenge the scenarios that Public Health will be called upon to face with ever greater commitment.

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